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a bug going around
a bull in a china shop
a buyer broker
a capella
a cappella
a cat on hot bricks
a dash up the channel
a date with Manuela
a date with Senorita Mano
a distinction without a difference
A double S
a e i o u
a feast fit for a king
a few ants short of a picnic
a few bricks short of a load
A few cards short of a full deck
a finishing note
a fitting end
a fresh pair of eyes
A good walk spoiled
a hard nut to crack
a hard row to hoe
A hyena cannot know its own stench
a kick at the cat
a knee trembler
a la carte
a la Crecy
A leopard doesn't change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one
a bull in a china shop
a buyer broker
a capella
a cappella
a cat on hot bricks
a dash up the channel
a date with Manuela
a date with Senorita Mano
a distinction without a difference
A double S
a e i o u
a feast fit for a king
a few ants short of a picnic
a few bricks short of a load
A few cards short of a full deck
a few French fries short of a Happy Meal
A Fidus Achatesa finishing note
a fitting end
a fresh pair of eyes
A good walk spoiled
a hard nut to crack
a hard row to hoe
A hyena cannot know its own stench
a kick at the cat
a knee trembler
a la carte
a la Crecy
A leopard doesn't change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one